Vic Liu believes...

1. People are complex and intelligent.

2. Information is powerful, and therefore, so are information barriers.

3. People don't read things they don't want to read. Reading is
   harder than most people will admit. Much of our worship of
    reading is elitist.

4. Craft is a dialogue between humans and the physical world.

5. It is far more wondrous to be a part of something big than
    it is to be special.

6. Grandmothers are God.  

She writes, rants, schemes, paints sometimes, cooks often, embroiders, knits, and would very much like to learn cloisonné enamel if anyone has any leads (and blacksmithing and woodcrafting). They are currently working on a novel where losers lose but also love.

She lives in Brooklyn, NY with a very large dog and sometimes a small cat. They have all tried anxiety medication.

Nice people can reach her/them at vforvicliu (at) gmail (dot) com. On Instagram (for better or worse) @vforvicliu.

**This list is not comprehensive.