lao now gala
typecon REVIVAL
baltimore family planning toolkit
a hummingbird beats its wings
the syrian opposition timeline
the library of unfair things
the library of unfair things
proposes a new way to talk about hard things
It creates an atemporal environment that frees
the viewer from the narratives and languages
prevalent today.
you are here, Sandtown
merges an individual’s story with the Baltimore neighborhood statistics
The weight of flipping through a large book mimics the weight of the layered barriers experienced when growing up
in Sandtown.
this is a sad story
begins with a story of
the Syrian war.
And lets the viewer unfold the heavier information themselves.
The book is an accordian-fold structure, with three layers:
the story,
a timeline of significant events of the war, and
a timeline of the death toll, refugees, and
internally displaced people.
the known dead
brings meaning back into the death toll numbers
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the syrian opposition timeline
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